That’s when Ché found PREP, 一个烹饪加速器平台,为食品企业家提供共享厨房环境, along with operational resources, 咨询和其他基本服务,如营销, branding and networking.
“PREP的团队帮助我在食品服务行业找到了出路,让我的生意开始运转,” says Ché. “他们也会不断地给予支持和鼓励. They take the time to explain things; they push me; they see me for who I am and what I’m trying to accomplish.”
“我们的目标是提升那些渴望成为社区一份子的当地食品企业家,” explains Mitch Jaffe, PREP founder and CEO. “We offer the facilities, services, 资源和网络,以消除进入壁垒和扩大业务.”
PREP, in fact, 已经在亚特兰大创造了大约800个工作岗位,并继续扩大其第五个共享厨房地点- PREP ATL South. 正是在扩建工程期间,米奇和道格·马兰奇, PREP founder and COO, first connected with Invest Atlanta.
According to Mitch, 投资亚特兰大团队帮助PREP与城市领导人建立澳门新匍京官方app下载, 生成支持并引导各种审批流程. 米奇说:“从与澳门新匍京官方app下载公司的第一次通话开始,我们就感到受到欢迎、支持和重视. “该团队花了很多时间来了解我们的业务,并且在确定可以帮助我们实现目标的服务和澳门新匍京官方app下载方面一直是积极的合作伙伴.”
道格说,其中一个目标包括成为澳门新匍京官方app下载公司为PREP成员提供服务的渠道. “Invest Atlanta的团队非常专注,澳门新匍京官方app下载紧密,可以为小企业提供很多服务,” he says. “我们计划在PREP ATL South的新社区空间展示Invest Atlanta服务,以便我们的会员可以使用所有可用的资源.”
For Ché, the PREP ecosystem goes far beyond providing a kitchen facility and resources to grow her business; it’s put her in a position to hire others on a similar life journey who are transitioning back into the workforce. “PREP帮助我为那些为自己的长期康复而努力的人创造了一个空间和生计,” says Ché. “It pulls at my heart. This business is bigger than me; it’s my purpose.”